Updates from the Week

It was a mixed week again! While the highlight of the week was the Diwali festivities, it was rather low-key for us. I was mainly working on reviving my regular writing practice, but too many pending tasks from the week before got in the way.

As the week progressed, I gained a lot of clarity on the problems that I had been grappling with, over the past few weeks but, the volume of tasks that had piled up, meant that I could only focus on a select few. I did just that. I did make it a point to catch up with the posts of my small circle of friends on social media and the vibes I got were generally upbeat and positive.

By the middle of the week, I was eager to set up a priority list to give my undivided attention to tasks that mattered the most. I also realised how much I love making plans and lists, in general. :))

I loved listening to my favourite songs while doing the mundane chores. The teen had a week-long break from school so the mornings were comparatively, a little easy. I was planning to get back to my reading, thanks to my long TBR list, but sadly, that didn’t go as planned. Not having a set routine each day (as I was trying to optimise my personal priorities over the household chores!!) meant I had new challenges surfacing every day.

The festival week went very low-key, as I mentioned earlier. On Diwali, all we did was exchange sweets with our apartment friends, catching up over brief visits, as it had been a while since we had all met up. Opting for a cracker-free Diwali for several years now, our only indulgences have been good home-cooked food and mithais. Since I’ve been on a health transformation journey from March this year (a long post due very soon, on this), I stuck to my resolve and happily stayed away from eating sweets or savouries, going with my healthy diet instead.

Yes, and I also had a few eureka moments as well, as far as aligning myself with my productivity goals were concerned. Learnings happened, that I intend to follow up on, as we approach the weeks leading up to the end of another difficult year, that has brought us so much to be sad and relieved about.

With all that insight, I’m ready to face another promising week ahead. How about you? How have you been this festive session? Any highlights from your week that you’d like to share in the comments below would be absolutely great.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. May you accomplish all that you’ve set out to achieve and may you have a blessed week ahead.

Sending you love, hugs and tons of positivity!

Stay safe and take care.


Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday free writing exercise, along with my friends, Vinitha and Shilpa.

3 thoughts

  1. Was glad to read your update, Esha. I sense that things are more on an even keel now. Glad you enjoyed your Diwali – I think low-key is the best way to go with all festivals. Makes it more meaningful to me, at least.
    My plans went awry with a bad bout of the ‘flu, the effects of which I’m still getting over. But I’m grateful that we have the luxury of not having to report to work or anything like that and can take things relatively easy.
    Good wishes for what’s left of 2021 – let’s hope that 2022 is a better year for us all. Hugs.

    1. Oh, so sorry to hear about the flu! Hope you are fully recovered now and taking it easy. Things are much better now and I’m back to focusing on my emotional and mental health, prioritizing my well-being over meeting other people’s expectations. It’s not easy to do so always but I know I have to be consistent with my efforts.
      I wish you a better 2022 as well, and hope things improve and life gets better and there is a semblance of normalcy in our everyday lives.
      Thank you so very much for the good wishes. Sending tons of positive vibes and peace your way.
      Take care

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