Into the Night

Into the Night

As night falls, I find my fetters fade away into the dark.

A quiet stir, a lull or maybe a hush, as the slow rustle of the leaves awaken me to my senses.

Silence trails down the way, winding itself along the turn, until it reaches the end of the road and coils into a ball of fur, dozing off.

I sit still by the window, chasing the headlights of a car as it curves into our lane, watching out for something I know not.

Gently, I find myself falling asleep, with my book clutched in one hand, as the night spirit seeps into my soul and leads me inwards.


Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday free writing exercise along with my friends Vinitha and Shilpa.

10 thoughts

  1. So peaceful. Nice way to end the night. I often fall asleep while reading, and my dreams make up the rest of the story. Who knows or cares, then, if that’s what the author had in mind? Sometimes it’s a weird mashup of the day’s events with some of the fictional characters inserted weirdly into dream-roles.

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