The Spiritual Connection

The Universe works in mysterious ways!

The other day I was praying, in sheer desperation, for a solution to a problem that has been bringing me unending despair and frustration. I had been thinking about it for days and then suddenly, one morning, even before the crack of dawn, I woke up and my mind, racing as it were against a million thoughts, picked up that one sticky situation and came up with an answer that I had been desperate for!

In the days to follow, I found ample ‘signs’, in the way things showed up, through things I heard, from passages that I came across, or situations that I encountered, all pointing one way or the other, to the same thing, validating my course of action in the most unexpected of ways!

How does that happen, I wondered!

Call Him what we will—God, Universe or Providence—our prayers do get answered, and the Universe comes to help us in the most mysterious ways.

I do not follow any rituals of worshipping the Almighty anymore. Rituals no longer speak to me but the direct connection with God feels real—more real than the world we inhabit. You do not need anything to keep that connection going, other than a faithful heart—like an open channel that allows for one on one conversations between us and the Almighty.

Ever since I was a child, I fought an almost never-ending battle with myself, constantly questioning the existence of God. I think it was a mix of confusion and doubt that always riddled my mind, especially when faced with tough times and painful situations. If there does exist a God that loves us, why does He put us through constant tests? The questions in my young mind were far too many and the answers were always missing.

I realised only much later that I had been navigating in a spiritual vacuum. It was the starting point of a journey that was to change me inside out.

Years passed by. When the pandemic hit us in 2020, I signed up for a course on Chakra healing. Initially, it was an attempt to heal myself physically from the manifestations of the tremendous turmoil we were thrown into. I felt it most in the turbulence of my inner world that had been shaken to the core. The world felt unstable and it seemed we were all ready to be sucked into the quicksand of oblivion any minute.

In the months to follow, I took to transforming my health which led me on to yet another journey.

This time it was all about self-transformation. It started with small, daily changes that incrementally led me on to bigger ones. I continued on my path, waiting to see how things would unfold.

Around this time, I struggled with multiple pressures on many fronts. I’d find myself led down the rabbit hole of desperation and sheer frustration far too often.

I felt like a failure in every sphere of life. Nothing was going as planned. The book that I had been planning to write never took shape, the online workshops that I had been planning to start, never really saw the light of the day. There were multiple setbacks that plummeted my sense of self-worth but the one thing that kept me going were the little steps I was taking. There were the small changes that I was doing with consistency. The morning routine that had helped me calibrate my entire day. Meditation, exercise, journaling and marching to my own beats instead of comparing myself on a yardstick that clearly wasn’t meant for me.

I show up for it, no matter what, through daily rigour, discipline and intention. It gives me the courage to fight my battles once again, with resolve, calm and grace. The body slowly heals, and the daily conversations with God during the meditations is now a regular thing. It’s one of my lifelines now—the one thing that I now wish to continue until the last breath of my life.

In fact, one of the best things it does for me is how I feel I’m opening up to new possibilities in the different spheres of my life.

A lifelong learner that I am, I know I have a long way to go but, for now, I’d say I’m blessed to find myself on this absolutely beautiful path of awakening and transformation—being here, being in the now and being present!


Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday free writing exercise, along with my friends Vinitha and Shilpa.

Also linking up with Monday Musings hosted by Corinne at Everyday Gyaan.

15 thoughts

  1. “I do not follow any rituals of worshipping the Almighty anymore. Rituals no longer speak to me but the direct connection with God feels real—more real than the world we inhabit. You do not need anything to keep that connection going, other than a faithful heart—like an open channel that allows for one on one conversations between us and the Almighty.” Ah, the basis of Protestantism! I agree. Rituals can be comforting, in the same way that meditation, crochet, knitting, art, or writing can be comforting. I don’t believe that they are necessary to invoke God or gain God’s favor (regardless of what beliefs or conception of “God” you hold inside). What other human is created worthier of enlightenment, truth, or conversation with the divine? Cut out the middleman! 🙂

  2. Your post really resonated with me, Esha. I consider myself spiritual too and cannot count the number of times answers and signs have come through when I’ve been at my wit’s end. Abandoning oneself to a Higher Power does work! Hugs.

  3. These small steps make a major difference. In one year time these daily Habits, thoughts, behavior can turn us into a whole different person. I am not a religious person and frankly I am not clear on where I stand on spiritual aspect. I believe in the power of manifestation, that our thoughts are powerful and bring us opportunities. I am glad you have started to feel positive in this journey.

  4. I feel a sense of delight while reading your thoughts in this post. It is remarkable how the universe functions mysteriously and also not so mysteriously. The vibrations we vibe upon come back to us. I pray the support you are getting from the universe increases manifold. Keep believing. Keep trusting.

  5. Such a beautiful post, Esha, and I so agree with you. Years ago, a colleague mentioned how, when we are troubled by something, the Universe answers our questions or gives us a solution through signs and words that we will notice only if we are paying attention…being mindful. And, I found that to be so true…It may seem so mysterious, but I find comfort in the fact that the Universe has my back.

  6. Esha, sometimes you read a post and realize you have the same thoughts and feelings about life. I believe we all are alike in more ways than one and reading your beautiful post cemented that thought so eloquently. Keep spreading light and cheer.

  7. This world works in mysterious ways. “I show up for it, no matter what, through daily rigour, discipline and intention.” I really resonated with this line, because this is something that gets me from point A to point B on the most difficult days.

    1. So glad to know this resonated with you, Damyanti. At least, showing up for ourselves is in our control. And mostly, one way or the other it works.

  8. “I felt like a failure in every sphere of life. Nothing was going as planned. The book that I had been planning to write never took shape, the online workshops that I had been planning to start, never really saw the light of the day.” Can relate so much to this. And yes, small steps, really tiny steps helped. Writing my daily routine and looking at it everyday, following it step by little step even things like brushing my teeth, helped keep me focused on what I was doing at the moment and not on the thoughts that were waiting just around the corner to pull me down.
    Thanks for sharing this. It helps knowing that I am not alone and it inspires me to get back on track. Hugs !

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sunita! I’m so glad to know that these little steps helped you, just as they did, for me. I think it wouldn’t be wrong to say that navigating through these challenging times has taught us some invaluable life lessons that we might have missed otherwise.
      Hugs right back, Sunita!

  9. And I say that I’m glad I found you and this place!
    Beautiful post, Esha! And indeed the Universe works with us in a very strange and mysterious way.
    And it’s so well!
    Be blessed and always inspired!

    1. Thank you so much, Suzana! I’m so glad that we met through our blogs and I can only thank the Universe for making it happen. It’s always a pleasure to stop by your lovely blog and read your beautiful posts.
      Have a blessed week ahead, my dear!

      Much love always

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