A Flaming Orange Sky | SkywatchFriday Week 13

A few days back, one somber grey evening, as I was having my evening tea, I felt an urge to step into the balcony after what seemed like ages!

The rains had stopped a while back. I spotted a hint of orange slowly spreading across the western edge of the sky.

Right before me was this glorious view that stood out—a patch full of vibrance and beauty against a dull grey sky. Frankly, I’d not witnessed anything as striking as this in the sky in nearly more than three weeks that I’ve been back from Pune. Even after my cup of tea was over, I stood, feeling the gentle hues of twilight sweeping in and wrapping up everything in a cloak of darkness.

I stepped indoors, wondering how an entire month had slipped by.

If you read my review of the month for August, you’d know that August has been a tough month for us.

The regular walks had become a mere memory and I especially missed the workouts as much as the writing/blogging. More than anything, I missed skywatching and clicking sky pictures. But, of course, my phone gallery had plenty of shots from the travels over the recent months. All I had to do was browse through them, which I did and it brought me such joy!

It’s funny how from one day to the other, we may never notice how things change, but one day when we look back, we find we’ve arrived a long way from where we stood many moons ago.

I reflected upon life and the years when the teen was a little boy and how evenings for me used to be about going downstairs for a walk while he played with his friends. It seemed like a distant memory although I found myself clearly remembering every little detail from the years, now that he was off to college, in another city.

The home now is never quite the same without him. I think each one of us at home misses his presence in different ways. He has been the centre of our universe for a good 18 years and although I’m glad he’s happy where he is, there’s always going to be one part of me that will continue to miss him everyday—in all the big and small moments of life!

Our lives are so wrapped up around our children, that it’s impossible not to feel that way and yet, we know, children will fly the nest and move on. That is how they will grow and evolve into becoming what they are destined to be. The circle of life thus goes on.

Through the ups and downs of life, and everything in between, my slice of the sky remains a constant, forever bringing me the reminders that I so need from time to time—to pause, take a break and embrace the uncertainties of life through the seasons.

That’s all this week. See you next week with another sky post. Until then, stay safe and enjoy the mindful moments as they come.

Sending love and peace your way!


Linking this to #SkywatchFriday, where you will find some amazing sky photographs from all over the world. Also, linking it with This Sky and Some Reflections blog hop shared by Parul on her blog on the first Monday of every month.

To view my complete sky photograph collection, please click here.


13 thoughts

  1. What a beautiful and honest write-up Esha. I feel you though never in the exact same way but I know what you mean. You have raised a wonderful kid and I know he will be always be grateful for the experience and exposure you are giving him. Much love to you! <3

  2. Absolutely, Jim! It’s hard but we all end up there and eventually face it. Letting go of grandchildren must be tough too! Thank you for sharing those kind words, today.
    Wishing you a lovely rest of the week, Jim.
    Happy skywatching!

    1. Thank you for the kind words! So glad to see you stop by here.
      Happy skywatching and wishing you a lovely rest of the week.

  3. Beautifully said. I too have experienced the fullness of life and the “empty nest.” I tell my friends who have little ones – enjoy them. The time goes by much to quickly.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I’m glad this resonated with you as you’ve been through similar phases. It’s very true what you say about enjoying the little ones while they are still with us. Before we know it, they are all grown up and ready to fly the nest. I so wish I had more time with my boy!!
      Happy to see you stop by the blog. Happy skywatching and a lovely rest of the week to you!

  4. That’s a gorgeous sky! When I reflect on my kids growing up, I often think of the Joni Mitchell lyrics:
    16 springs and 16 summers gone now
    Cartwheels turn to car wheels through the town
    And they tell him, “Take your time, it won’t be long now
    ‘Til you drag your feet to slow the circles down”

    1. Thank you, Peter.
      Those are some beautiful words by Joni Mitchell! That’s how the circle of life goes, right? Time does fly by in the blink of an eye and suddenly, we are wistfully looking back on those wonder years and counting the days for the kids to come home again. But, it’s never the same thing after they’ve flown the nest.

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