Soaking the Soul in the Dusk Light | SkywatchFriday Week 14

Dusk whispers the perfect time for self-reflection and gratitude.

An evening walk becomes an excuse to go out into nature and breathe in life!

Feeling refreshed after a busy day. And, it’s wonderful to fill the heart with tons of little everyday moments to cherish. Nature glows under the evening sky in a joyous, serene light that reminds us that it’s the time to fill one’s cup to the fullest, so one doesn’t go empty anymore. The hues around me take on a golden shade and being in that ambience brings me peace and calm that I have been longing for, in between the running around.

Another nudge to be alive to the sights and smells of being in the open, under the vast canvas of the limitless sky, and savour the minutes that are slipping away, never to be back again…everything caught in a slow motion, to appear and then disappear, in the blink of an eye.

I listen to the sounds of nature, the birds fly in a formation off to their nests some place far away! I am home. Amidst my familiar surroundings, I find myself caught in the cacophony of life—a few passing motorists honking unnecessarily at a dog crossing the road, a car screeching to a halt, with a droning sound of marble polishing in one of the apartments above us…in short, life goes on!

Peace. Wonder. Gratitude!

Will see you coming Friday, with yet another edition of Skywatch Friday! Until then, take care and I hope you get to enjoy the fleeting moments amidst Mother nature as they come.

Much love and positive vibes sent your way.


Linking this to #SkywatchFriday, where you will find some amazing sky photographs from all over the world. Also, linking it with This Sky and Some Reflections blog hop shared by Parul on her blog on the first Monday of every month.

To view my complete sky photograph collection, please click here.


10 thoughts

  1. I love the cacophony that you describe. Recently, I was trying to find a bird whose calls were a bit loud and different so I kept looking then I couldn’t believe it was a squirrel with her mouth open and running up the tree. Nature is amazing.
    Dusk is my fav time too and that picture looks serene. Thanks for joining!

  2. Life goes on. When we slow down and look around we get to see the life around us. Otherwise, we become one among those hustle and bustle. May we all get to notice, reflect, and appreciate the life happening around and within us plenty more. 🧡

  3. As always your post fills me with a sense of peace and reminds to be mindful of the moments passing me by. It’s good to read your post Esha.

  4. I wish you Peace, Wonder, Miracles. A fan of your blog. Each sentence you write are like poetry they speak to my heart and soul. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words, Joyce! I’m deeply grateful that I am blessed with readers like yourself with whom I can share my everyday moments of beauty and wonder. Thank you for your presence here. Means a lot to me. 💓

  5. A wonderful photo full of color, shapes, reflections. Perfect composition. And I love your essay.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Alan! Glad you felt so! I find such moments are always around us, just that we are caught up in our lives so often, that we fail to notice them at times.
      Thank you for visiting.

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