Blissful #Skywatch

So how have things been with you, lately? After a rather gloomy start, my week has been quite the opposite as the weekend is drawing near. I count myself as blessed because I get to live in a city that in spite of heavy pollution, still manages to grant us magnificent sky views every now and then. Most mornings, the azure blue sky that we get to see in Bangalore, always leaves me with full of optimism and hope, setting the tone for the day in a very subtle but powerful way.

I rarely take my phone along when I go for a walk, but, there was an exception one day when I not only watched nature spellbound but also grabbed a random shot of the sky that I’m sharing below.

The next one is shot of dusk from this week—the quiet, unassuming kind of wrapping up of a long day, much like.

The last picture is from our holiday in Sri Lanka—the view of the sea and the clear bright sky seemed to work in tandem, as they created sheer magic on the horizon. As the day came to a close, the sun would mellow down from a red fiery ball to a faintly glimmering ball of light, ready to take a dip into the ocean, the mighty Indian Ocean right before my very eyes, something that felt almost like a dream to me. The view was astounding and I stood bewitched, feasting on the sight before me. It was so unbelievable that I stood there, pinching myself that this was indeed true. We had gone there to celebrate two decades and more, of partnership. Pristine views of a quiet beach by the sea. What more could one wish for? Needless to say, I was overwhelmed with delight and today, as I share this capture, let me confess it is but a feeble attempt to recreate the magic of the dusk hour as we saw it there, that evening!



Linking this with #Skywatch Friday, where people post beautiful sky shots from different parts of the world.) In case you’re interested, here are my previous #SkywatchFriday posts. Thank you for stopping by. Hope to see you again.


5 thoughts

  1. Loved the pictures, Esha, especially the first and the second! And, the third, too! But, more than that, I loved the way you described the pictures, the emotions behind those pictures…Each time I read your posts, I wish I could express my thoughts like you do! <3

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