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Just Be


I see a glowing sky above, as I sit by the beach, overlooking the ocean. Watching the clouds come and go feels so therapeutic, given the crazy schedules that now consume most of my waking hours. I try not to think. I want to just be. It is bizarre how the mind can never stay still, even for a second, without bringing up those very things that you seek to escape from.

Momentarily, though, watching little children and their antics does take my mind away from my thoughts. I’m seeking to quieten the clamour inside. Drown all the anxieties. Subdue the thunderous uproar of the voices that tell me a hundred things that I do not wish to hear. Not now. Not anytime. One quick glance above, and I see the sky is slowly morphing into a pastel orange. It will be dusk in a while. The air brings in a nip and a certain mellowness with it. You’d hardly say it is winter here. By the beach, on this beautiful coastal town, one cannot feel the sting of the bitter cold of the hills of North-East India, where I spent most of my childhood years. I realise I do not miss the sub-zero temperatures at all. I never did. If I had a choice, I’d live by the beach forever.

A sense of calm envelops me as I let go of the thoughts that have been weighing me down lately. The stray clouds have all been blown away. The over-turned book beside me is pointing to the fact that I’m enjoying the view more than anything else right now. The book worm is relegated to the background and the photographer seems to have come to the fore. My phone camera goes on a non-stop clicking mode with the sky changing colours every few minutes.

A wave of unbridled happiness sweeps over me. It is a wonderful feeling to just be.

Be. In. The. Moment.




Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday freewriting exercise—a concept ideated by Vinitha, Shilpa and yours truly.


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