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Embrace the randomness – #Monday Musings

It happens to be one of those days when I have too much on my plate and nothing seems to be moving at all. I woke up with a sore throat this morning and a slight touch of feverishness. I admit I did fantasise about curling up with a book and reading all day. But, of course, it wasn’t meant to be! A little while back, the maid came knocking after two days of absence, but instead of walking in, she stood by the door only to declare that she isn’t turning up for work at all for the next three days. I have a lot of things scheduled for the day. This is definitely going to upset my schedule, for sure.

I’m trying to make the best of the day, but there’s a question that’s popping up in my head  every now and then…what’s this with the day? Why aren’t things going to plan?

No, actually, there are two things that actually did make me feel good, today—the large mug of Assam tea that I had first thing in the morning, and the stretches and twists from my morning yoga session, that helped me get over the sluggishness. It was so relaxing to go into a trance while meditating, if not for the jarring sound of the door bell, with the security guard coming to deliver a package.

I am now persistent, ready to do anything to make my day a good one. As I grab my diary to chalk out the plans for the day, I realise I have not been able to complete my to-do action plans from last week, which means I have to somehow fit them in within my current week’s plans. Not an easy one, this!

At times like this, when I have too many things to do and can’t decide which one to tackle first, I’m going for something that always works. Another cup of Assam tea, this time with the luxury of adding some freshly grated ginger into it. Ah, bliss! Outside it looks so gloomy—I wouldn’t really wish to look out of the window at all! One glance at the days newspaper and I’m heading for the shower first, before sorting out breakfast.

And while in the shower, it dawns on me, perhaps the key to getting it right on a day like this is to embrace the randomness! Why do I need a plan always?—I ask myself. Why stress over how much I can do and why kill myself over it? Now, I feel light already. I’ll just do whatever I can to finish that to-do-list but I’ll keep aside an hour to do some random things that make me happy. Just about anything.

Okay, the post that I was writing for today’s Monday Musings never got written eventually. Just like the many things in life that I set out to do never got done. Why am I even thinking of all the things I couldn’t do/cannot do/didn’t do? Okay I may not be good at one thing, but perhaps I have been better at others—why can’t I think of those, instead, today? Of course, I’m telling myself how I learnt it the hard way that there is no such thing as a perfect day. And, it isn’t possible to always focus on what others need or what makes others happy. But, what I can do, is to make myself happy, watch where my thoughts are leading me and take it along a happier path today. I’m sure I can do that.

I need to go now. I’m just beginning to see the light peeping out from the clouds outside just as the mist in my head is beginning to clear up. Let me get on with my day and leave you to get on with yours. Before I go, here is a short message for you:

Be brave. Do what you love. Find out what makes you happy. Go ahead and do what you’ve set out to do. Follow that wish. Get a job. Dance. Sing. Fall in love. Carve out your niche. But, most importantly, remember, its okay not to have any plans at times. Just go embrace the randomness that is life.

My Monday is not quite panning out the way I meant it to be but I’m embracing the randomness of it all and making the most of it. What about you? How is the day progressing so far? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.


(Linking up with #Mondaymusings on Everyday Gyaan)


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