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A Mid-Week Free Write

Last Sunday, the ambience lighting was perfect in my room as I prepared myself for a writing session. The sky was overcast, and there was a slight drizzle outside, as I set up my Mac, in all readiness, with the gentle strains of Chopin’s nocturnes (See below) playing in the background. Just perfect to rouse the muse and get me into my writing groove! To be in the right place ant the right time, ready to pore my heart out into the essay that I was going to write.

Just as I was half-way through the post, the doorbell rang.

Not a visitor!—my heart pleaded!

What else could one expect? It was the weekend and there wouldn’t have been a better time for people to come calling. Don’t get me wrong. I love having visitors at home. But, certainly, not when I’m in the mood to write.

The writer in me was definitely not pleased at this point. Nonetheless, I smiled and let the visitor in. A few minutes of small talk later, the family joined in. Having excused myself, at this point, I made a quick dash to my desk, eager to put down my post ideas, lest they get lost.

But, it was too late for that. It seemed that no sooner had I left my table to answer the door, my story ideas had also begun to march away, one by one. By now, I couldn’t recall the exact sequence in which I was planning to write my post. The tempo was lost and the post lay half-finished in the drafts folder.


And then, this morning, a mid-week crisis hit me hard!

It’s Wednesday already! What??

When I looked at my desk calendar, it dawned on me that I hadn’t got down to publishing my #SoulfulSunday post for the week.

I guess this wake-up call was just what I needed to get back to my writing. The chores would have to wait today.

Get this out of your way’— I mumbled to myself, clearly outlining the deadline in bold—


Thus began my free-write. I deleted the previous write-up and started from scratch. Tabula Rasa. Blank slate.

From being caught in a drought—bereft of ideas, I pushed myself into the cross-currents of the turbulence that was raging inside my mind over the past few days.

Thoughtful, pensive, happy, sad and reflective, by turns, I wrote my heart out, but only in my Morning Pages journal, that helped me give vent to my deeper feelings and emotions. I think I tend to share a great deal of my innermost feelings and emotions in my blog posts and this awareness turned out to be both good and bad for me. I was glad that I was purging my angst and pain through my words and sharing it, but, somewhere deep down, I also felt I was sharing too much of myself and that is something that I would like to change henceforth.

As I come to the end of my free-write post, I’d like to share a beautiful quote with you all:

“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.”

—Michelle Obama

May you have a blessed week and may this be a productive and easy week for you.

Sending much love, light, hope and happiness to everyone stopping by the blog this week.


Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday free writing exercise, along with my friends Vinitha and Shilpa.

Also linking up with Monday Musings hosted by Corinne at Everyday Gyaan.
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