On Writing

I was pondering upon the act of writing one day and it dawned on me, how most often, my response usually dangles between one of the two—for one, I know that for the past couple of years, it has come to be absolutely crucial for me—like air and water and yet, at the same time, it remains one of the most singularly challenging things to engage in, especially when I sit at my desk and decide to write. The dilemma I face these days most often is—what to write about!

I feel like I’m lost in a maze that is leaving me open to choose between hundred-odd directions, whilst I know I must choose just one of them. Earlier, I’d get into a rut that would put my brain into a freeze and paralyse my thought processes until I’d realise that I was in the grips of that dreaded condition that they call the ‘writer’s block’. For years, I played along, giving in and feeling horribly empty within my head, for being unable to string together even one single sentence because of this paralysing condition.

And so it went on for quite a few years. Thanks to a plethora of resources available on the internet, I came across writers who shared their wisdom, and, who, in their unique ways, had tackled the demons that got in the way of their writing. It’s amazing how we inevitably get drawn to things that we most need at a given time. Interestingly, I picked one particular tip out of the many—one that suggested I write something every day. I decided to get 500 words in my journal every morning. I stuck to it even on days when the muse never showed up.

I kept at it nevertheless. And then, the magic worked. The demon called ‘writer’s block’ slowly got out of the way, but there were other new challenges in its place. It took me a while to learn that, that is how writers continue to write. There is no perfect way or condition to write. That truly was an eye-opener!

The truth is that the act of writing is as easy or as difficult as we perceive it to be. The more we write, the better we get at it and the clearer it gets in the head. But, the conditions are never perfect and no writing is easy. Not even to the established ones. Every writer will struggle. But, the idea is not to give up. When I’m writing, I do not stress over what does not appear on my canvas. Instead, I bring in what is ready to show up. And many a time, I’m surprised by what appears before me. What we express through our writing is but the tip of the iceberg of what we still hold within ourselves. The possibilities are endless. There is always so much more waiting to come out.

As I pour my thoughts here, I’m aware of the dream that I nurtured, many years back— that of being a published author someday. I have no way to tell if that dream will see the light of the day. Yet, I remain consistent with the daily grind of writing. It is akin to the mundane chores we do every day; a bit like housekeeping—unglamorous, demanding but necessary.

Writing happens—one word at a time, like everything else in life! And it remains, as easy and as challenging as life itself!



Written as part of our #SoulfulSunday freewriting exercise—a concept ideated by VinithaShilpa and yours truly.


Also linking this to #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne at EverydayGyaan

11 thoughts

  1. The ease with which you write, Esha, I am sure you will become a published writer one day. Just going through your posts has me wondering how you weave these beautiful words together. It feels poetic, really.
    True, it’s difficult to write everyday, but look at you. You have developed it into a habit and are shining through your posts.

  2. I see you becoming a published author in the near furture, Esha. It is diificult to take out time for writing everyday from the innumerable chores and yet you are doing it. You haven’t missed a single Soulful Sunday since the time you started. If you can make this happen, you can also make a book happen. One word at a time.

  3. One word at a time! I need to get back to writing more regularly and you are an inspiration, Esha. I am so glad to know you write everyday. That’s the best thing!

  4. One word at a time…. Oh yes!

    You know Esha, your writing is so transparent, so honest, so clear. I cannot help but feel good every time I visit your space.

  5. Still struggling with writers block Esha… Trying to push down it down by reading, but everytime I sit down to pen thoughts, I am blurred and my fingers dont move. AS you say probably every writer struggles with it. But yes, we have to go on, keep at it.

  6. “Writing happens—one word at a time, like everything else in life! And it remains, as easy and as challenging as life itself!” How very true! I used to write when I was compelled to do so – meaning, some musings fluttered in my head forcing me to pick up the pen. Last year I started this writing ritual – of writing first thing in the morning. And that made a lot of difference on how I perceived the very act of writing.
    I think these subtle changes sooner or later create a bigger ripple effect. Trust me, if you don’t become a published author then nobody deserves to be published author, Esha. You are one of the talented writers I have ever met.
    Keep writing and inspiring all of us, dear!

  7. I know you will soon become a published author. Amen! tomar lekhar ekta adbhut sundar flow ache, words just flow like a ballerina in your posts. Love that Di. Keep writing and sharing. Love and hugs to you.

  8. I get overwhelmed when I think about writing an entire post, but you are right – one word at a time is the way to think of it. I now can’t imagine living my life without being able to write.

  9. I too hope to be a published author some day, but I’m not sure if it will happen. Truth be told, I haven’t started working towards it really. But it’s the writing regularly that is giving me joy and I know it’s something I have to do to keep me sane and well.

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